Embassy in Ouagadougou

Address and opening hours

Contact details, opening hours, closing days and access map of our Embassy in Ouagadougou.
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Contact details

Embassy Ouagadougou 
417 Avenue Kwamé N'Krumah 
01 BOX 1624 
Burkina Faso

T: +226 25 312 164 
T: +226 25 312 165 
t: +226 70 200 0804 4 (Emergency number outside opening hours ONLY for consular emergency situations) 
F: +226 25 310 660


Opening hours and closing days

Reception open to the public: Monday to Friday 7.30 - 12.30 
Or on appointment.

Visa service
Visa application on appointment only.

Pick up your visa: Monday to Friday 7.30-11.30


Central point of contact for abuse in development cooperation

The central point of contact is a body responsible for facilitating the reporting of abuse within Belgian development cooperation. The Central point of contact is competent to treat reports of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment (SEAH) within Belgian development cooperation. It is not competent to treat reports of fraud or corruption.
